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Where Dogs Come From?: The Surprising Origins of Man's Best Friend

?Where Dogs Come From  

Where do dogs originally come from? Sure, they’re man’s best friend, but that doesn’t tell us wher  they originally came from—it only tells us where they came to be domesticated. Did they originate in Europe? Asia? Or was it both? In fact, there’s been some debate over just this topic, and new fossil finds from Belgium are giving scientists insight into the origins of man’s best friend.

Where Dogs Come From?: The Surprising Origins of Man's Best Friend
Where Dogs Come From?: The Surprising Origins of Man's Best Friend


Did you ever wonder where dogs come from? Where did the word dog come from? What country do dogs come from? What was the first dog on earth? Well, here are some answers to those questions. Scientists say that where dogs come from can be traced back tens of thousands of years ago when wolf ancestors evolved into different kinds of domestic animals. One theory says that wolves would follow humans around and eventually became tamer as they became dependent on humans for food scraps. Another theory suggests that domestication took place when a wild female wolf followed a human family with puppies in tow and she slowly formed an attachment with them. Where dogs come from might have begun when ancient humans who lived by rivers or lakes found that fish carcasses left there by bears made excellent bait. Wolves naturally scavenged these kills and over time were attracted to human settlements because of the abundant garbage heaps. And so it goes...dogs love people! But where did this lovable creature come from? We'll look at some theories and evidence about where dogs came from (The Big Search to Find Out Where Dogs Come From). Where did the word dog come from? Some sources say it may have originated in Germany but nobody knows for sure. Where do dogs originally come from? There is a great debate among experts about whether our four-legged friends developed independently in Europe, Asia, or both areas.

The Origin of Dogs

Dogs have been with humans for millennia and are man's best friend. But where do dogs come from? Where do dogs come from and how did they become domesticated? In recent years, scientists have begun to uncover the origins of these animals who live among us. New studies show that these animals most likely originated both in Europe and in Asia, with the Asian dogs then migrating with humans to Western Europe and the Middle East.

The Evolution of Dogs

The first dog on earth was a very different creature than our modern day canine. Where do dogs come from? The answer is not clear, but what we do know is that the word dog came from the Old English word docga. The term means to track by scent or a powerful breed of wolf. The reason for the meaning may be due to the fact that dogs have more scent receptors in their noses and therefore are better able to track things. What was the first dog on earth? A direct descendent of the wolf! The ancestor of the domestic dog originated 30,000 years ago in East Asia, where the grey wolf 

prior to then had been living peacefully with humans and domesticated animals for millennia. Humans would bring these wolves into the house where they would feed them scraps from meals, provide warmth at night when it was cold outside, offer protection from predators and eventually train them to guard property and livestock as well as some people. The Asian dogs then migrated with humans to Western Europe and the Middle East (continued)

How Dogs Became domesticated

There are many theories on how dogs became domesticated. Some believe that it was a process that took over ten thousand years and others believe it happened much more quickly. Recent DNA studies have revealed that the dog is a direct descendent of the gray wolf, which leads us to the theory that wolves were tamed and bred by humans. The gray wolf is generally smaller than other wolves, which may be why they were easier to tame and breed with humans.


Where dogs come from is more complicated than it seems! We thought they came from Europe, but new studies show they most likely came from Asia. Europe also has some fossils dating to 15,000 years ago that predate the known migration time frame, making us question everything we know about dog origins. Turns out the origin story for our best friend might never be solved and we may never know where dogs actually came from. In hopes of getting a better understanding, researchers are working on The Big Search to Find Out Where Dogs Come From. They hope with their research they will finally answer this burning question!

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